Sunday, July 5, 2009

News from World War Four

The Bad news is that Iran hanged 20 people this weekend, bringing to 32 the official total of people hanged in the last ten days. Iran claims they were hanged for drug trafficking, but there is no way to verify any of this. In the past, the regime has claimed executed people were ordinary criminals when in fact, they were opposition members. This is a way to preclude world condemnation. Iran executes more people than any other country except China according to Human Rights Watch.

There is good news too, an increasing amount every day. Under tremendous pressure at home and abroad, the regime is releasing more and more detainees. And in an unprecedented, and highly significant move, a respected body of Qom mullahs has condemned the Iran election and called for the results to be thrown out. Other groups of Mullahs are said to be meeting behind closed doors to decide what to do.

Ayatollah Ghaffari has done the unthinkable, called into question sharply the Supreme Leader.

Mousavi continues to hold out. This man reminds me a bit of Obama, a bit of Gandhi, and a lot of Mikhail Gorbachev, another man who worked and survived within a tricky political apparatus, the Politburo in his case, and emerged as a genuine reformer with his country's best interests at heart.

The Biden Gambit: Baffling? Interesting"? Crazy? Crazy like a Fox? Not sure.

Random Thoughts: This is the first world war of the 21st century, the first global cyberwar, the first war where anyone with computer access or a green balloon can fight, at little personal risk for those outside Iran, where they are risking everything.

The The Dutch go Green.

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